Monday, December 08, 2008

If you are odd like me

You may like to try this. I don't know if any of you out there have ever had the desire to bite into CHALK or maybe a ROSE or PLAYDOUGH or SILLYPUDDY? I have had the desire to do these things and I have tried all of them, multipul times, even though some are just plain disgusting, that would be the playdough. Something might be wrong with me, but it just seems like these things would be fun to bite into. These things are also fun to cut with a knife. To make a long story short, today I was making S'MORE bars and it calls for quartered REESES PEANUT BUTTER CUPS. I stacked them by twos and then used a big sharp knife to cut them into quarters. It was satisfying. You should try it sometime, plus they taste good, but they are more fun to cut than to bite.
Just thought you might like to know.

Happy cutting and biting into odd things!

santa claus is comin' to town

So this was a little while ago, the day after Thanksgiving, but we went to Santa's Grand Event, or something, at the University Mall. Santa came in on a HELICOPTER. My mom said, "What happened to the good old days when he came in on a SLEIGH???"
Either way, I think it is exciting! I LOVE Christmas!
Armani was THRILLED. So was I to be truthful. I have never been that close to a helicopter, at least one that was moving. It was really windy!
I was another fun CHRISTMAS activity!

So if the video doesn't work, I am sorry. It took a year to upload. Without the video the post is boring!

Thursday, December 04, 2008


I had an enrichment activity last night, I signed up to bring a dessert. When I got home I was washing the platter that I put the dessert on, and on the back I saw this

ummmm. I hope I didn't poison anyone. I just was trying to make it look nice.

Armani found a Santa hat in my box of Christmas decorations and insists on wearing it, all the time. His latest FAVORITE activity is "doing dishes". I came in and he had given himself a beard of bubbles while wearing the Santa hat.

ho. ho. ho.

While I was climbing up a latter in our garage to get down a box of lights, he said "mom you better watch out, you better not fall, cause I'm tellin you why, I'm Santa" He makes me laugh!

This is a three in one post. This is the last thing for now. We went to the Lights On Festival in Provo. It was free. That is nice. They had singing and dancing performances and a band of all elderly men, it was cute. They didn't turn the lights on at 6:30 like a thought they would, the mayor needed to make it official by saying a bunch of stuff we didn't really care about. And then he tried to do a PRACTICE countdown, but Santa and the kids really threw the MAGIC DUST when we all said MERRY CHRISTMAS, so the lights didn't turn on and then they had to get MORE magic dust and we had to count down again. The lights did turn on with the second MERRY CHRISTMAS, and it was very beautiful, the trees in front of the Covey Center were loaded with lights. Armani loved it. My toes were frozen. It was a fun HOLIDAY family night!

I am trying to make the most of this holiday season, by filling it with all sorts of Christmas-y activities. Giovanni says that it is just going to make me more depressed once it is all over. He is probably right, but I like to believe that I am right till proven otherwise!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The front room makeover

We have lived in our home for almost 4 years now. We originally planed on about 2 years. If I have learned one thing in life it is this, PLANS CHANGE. Like me, you may not want plans to change, but I believe it is just part of life. You never REALLY know what your plan will be.

So we have done things to our home along the way, but being that I PLANED to not be here for TOO long, I never really settled in and made this home MY home.

Now we are still here and I really have NO idea when we will make some other house our home. So I will take one room at a time and make it what I want it to be, so that I will be happier with this home that I spend the majority of my time in. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY grateful and feel VERY blessed to have a house that we own.

This is our front room before the recent makeover

this wall is pages from art books that we put up on the wall, I really like this wall. You can also see the GREEN wall. I really like this wall too, but it is time for a change.

Here is our brown wall.

The rug and coffee table are new additions (that we bought on by birthday). The futon is also new, well newish. Thanks Magleby's!

So here is what is looks like now.

new paint and some fun mirrors, plus we moved our computer desk to this wall

I am going to make curtains for that window and also paint the futon black, and make a new cover for it...that is the new fabric draped over it.

new tv (via some trade) and new tv stand

we are going to put a piece of wood painted white over the existing curtain rod and I am going to make new curtains

Last but most definitely not least, we are going to get a new fan. I would like to put just a basic white molding around the ceiling, like we have in our dining-ish room, but that is just more time and work, it looks good enough without it.

so you don't have to wait any longer

I am sure you were not really waiting but I will now post about my birthday, which was on the 14th of November, I know, that was quite some time ago. Oh well.

My wonderful husband bought me these

for breakfast I made this

Armani also wanted this

Yes, for breakfast.
The french toast with fresh whipped cream and raspberries,
with a dusting of powdered sugar were not enough for him,
he had to have leftover mac and cheese too.

For lunch we went here

and ate this

the best MEATBALL sandwich in all the world...

maybe the MESSIEST sandwich in all the land too.
Sorry for the gross picture - that isn't even all the napkins I used either!!!

Then we went here

and got some new items for our front room!

Then we went here

the DELICIOUS Tepanyaki, with family, I love my families.

Then we went to this

and ate this


and this

I may have felt a bit sick at the end of the night, I am not sure why, my day didn't revolve around food or anything...

I planed it and he executed it, therefore I had a great birthday!